Everywoman can’t be everything you need her to be.
WRITTEN BY The Company

It’s a Tuesday at 8:48 on the central line at mile end and Everywoman meets death.
You know like Death, death.
She takes a beat, looks Death up and down, throws her head back with a loud laugh and all the other un-late people look at her with concern and she laughs and laughs and thinks fuck you death for being so on time.
Fuck you.
Fuck you she starts shouting at death on the central line, fuck you she’s spitting fuck you as she looks at death square in the face like a fucking cowboy and shouts ‘DEATH, I AM GOING TO BE LATE’ then she turns her back on death and thinks; run.
She must run.
A restless re-interrogation of the (very(very)) old play Everyman written and created in collaboration with theatre makers from Brit Bridge Theatre Company. An enquiry into life and death and the meaning of everything inbetween. A reaction to endings. A race to stay alive. And a failed attempt to solve it all. There is an Everywoman. You know, like, an everywoman. Like an every woman, you know.
She is everything.
(Sort of).
She is everyone.
(Kind of).
You know like Death, death.
She takes a beat, looks Death up and down, throws her head back with a loud laugh and all the other un-late people look at her with concern and she laughs and laughs and thinks fuck you death for being so on time.
Fuck you.
Fuck you she starts shouting at death on the central line, fuck you she’s spitting fuck you as she looks at death square in the face like a fucking cowboy and shouts ‘DEATH, I AM GOING TO BE LATE’ then she turns her back on death and thinks; run.
She must run.
A restless re-interrogation of the (very(very)) old play Everyman written and created in collaboration with theatre makers from Brit Bridge Theatre Company. An enquiry into life and death and the meaning of everything inbetween. A reaction to endings. A race to stay alive. And a failed attempt to solve it all. There is an Everywoman. You know, like, an everywoman. Like an every woman, you know.
She is everything.
(Sort of).
She is everyone.
(Kind of).