I haven’t been to Uni and have no formal training in theatre. I was a very naughty kid and my brain and body weren’t meant to learn in an academic way. Over the last six years I have been fortunate enough to learn my craft with the support of lots of incredibly generous mentors and artists and space.
I left school at 18, joined the Bristol Old Vic Young Company and was fortunate enough to be part of their Made in Bristol training scheme. I worked as an usher, on the bar and on box office at Bristol Old Vic to pay my rent. I started working with the Engagement Department as a workshop leader across schools in Bristol. Over the last six years I have been able to make work with lots of incredibly talented artists and theatres.
In 2017 I recieved the Henry Augustine Forse Award for my contribution to Engagement.
In 2018 I recieved a Bristol Old Vic Ferment Leverhulme Scholarship to develop my craft as a director.
In 2018 I founded my theatre company FULLROGUE.
I am the Company Director for YOUNG SIXSIX.
I was a Headlong Origins Directors for 2021.
I am on the Board of Trustees for MAYK and HEADLONG.
EVERYWOMAN. EVERYWOMAN devised by the company | Brit School | New Diorama 2023
FLIES by Charlie Josephine | Boundless and Shorditch Town Hall | Shorditch Town Hall 2023
LYSISTRATA by Vanessa Kisuule and Young SixSix | Young SixSix | Bristol Old Vic 2022
SWEET SCIENCE OF BRUISING by Joy Wilkinson | Bath Theatre Academy | The Egg, Bath 2022
ROMEO AND JULIET by William Shakespeare | BOVYC & Young SixSix | Bristol Old Vic 2022
LITTLE WOMEN IN BLACK devised by the company | Wardrobe Theatre, Bristol 2021/2022
I FEEL YOU APART FROM ME by Emer Heatley | Lark | Fringe Festival, Dublin 2021
BILLIONAIRE’S ROW by Joel Wall | New Views Rehearsed Reading | National Theatre 2021
THE NURSING HOME by Charlotte D’Angelo | New Views Rehearsed Reading | National Theatre 2021
NORA: A DOLL’S HOUSE by Stef Smith | Bath Theatre Academy | The Egg, Bath 2021
SON OF HELIOS (SHORT FILM) by Young SixSix | Bristol Old Vic 2021
ANGELS IN BRISTOL by Vanessa Kisuule | Co-Director with Tom Morris | Bristol Old Vic 2020
MASSIVE by Charlie Josephine | Audible Productions 2020
ANGRY COOKIE by Laura Dockrill | Southbank and The Egg, Bath In Development 2020
WILD SWIMMING by Marek Horn | FULLROGUE | Bristol Old Vic | Pleasance | 59E59, NYC 2019/2020
LOVE AND INFORMATION by Caryl Churchill | Boomsatsuma 2020
A SHORT HAIRED CAT WHICH CLAWS AT THE FURNITURE by Joe Harbot | Young Vic 5 plays 2019
OUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE devised by the company | Bath Theatre Academy | The Egg, Bath 2019
CHAOS by Laura Lomas | Tobacco Factory Theatres 2019
BEOWULF devised by the company | Bristol Old Vic Young Directors 2017
OUT OF SKY devised by the company | Bristol Old Vic Studio 2016
Associate - THE MEANING OF ZONG by Giles Terera | Dir by Tom Morris | Bristol Old Vic 2022
Associate - DRAC AND JILL devised by the company | Dir by Tom Brennan | Wardrobe Theatre 2019-20
Associate - ACTS OF RESISTANCE by Stef Smith | Dir by Rob Watt | Headlong Futures 2019
Assistant - EXTRAORDINARY WALL OF SILENCE devised by the company | Dir by George Mann | Ad Infinitum R+D 2016 -18
Assistant - T***K YOU devised by the company | Dir by Lisa Gregan | Bristol Old Vic Young Company 2017
Tour Director - SPILL devised by the company | Dir by Maisie Newman | Propolis Theatre 2016
Assistant - UNDER A CARDBOARD SEA by Silva Sermerciyan | Dir by Lisa Gregan and Matt Grinter | Bristol Old Vic Young Company 2016
Company Director - YOUNG SIXSIX | Bristol Old Vic founded in 2018
Lead Director - CHANGE MAYKERS | MAYK 2020 - 2022
Workshop Leader - BRISTOL OLD VIC | Young Company and Schools 2016-20
FullRogue Engagement - Bath Theatre Academy | The Egg, Bath 2018-19
Script Reader - Salisbury Playhouse 2018-2020
Dramaturg - Appily Ever After | Frenetic Fox Theatre 2017
British Sign Language Level 1 and 2