A series of Nine short films made in collaboration with communities from across Bristol.
This is the Nativity, but not as you know it, retold as a story of miraculous hope in a city aching for change.
‘I am a G-O-D
A GOD GOD, not just a capital G
Rate, me please. I’m a whole sky
of caps lock. I could be anywhere in the
world, but i’m here, at the Old Vic.
Old! You call this place old, but I am older.
I know. Black don’t crack. Elixir of divinity
better than any cream for mortal skin.
These knees don’t creak,
but my soul is weary.’
Co-directed by - Tom Morris and Julia Head
Poetry by - Vanessa Kisuule
Music by - Dan Jones and Guy Hughes
Producer - Catherine Morgenstern
Engagement Director - Lucy Hunt
Filming and Editing by - Redleaf Productions
Imagery by - Limbic Cinema
Music Editor - Simon Birch
Production Assistants - Xahnaa Adlam and Eli Lower
This is the Nativity, but not as you know it, retold as a story of miraculous hope in a city aching for change.
‘I am a G-O-D
A GOD GOD, not just a capital G
Rate, me please. I’m a whole sky
of caps lock. I could be anywhere in the
world, but i’m here, at the Old Vic.
Old! You call this place old, but I am older.
I know. Black don’t crack. Elixir of divinity
better than any cream for mortal skin.
These knees don’t creak,
but my soul is weary.’
Co-directed by - Tom Morris and Julia Head
Poetry by - Vanessa Kisuule
Music by - Dan Jones and Guy Hughes
Producer - Catherine Morgenstern
Engagement Director - Lucy Hunt
Filming and Editing by - Redleaf Productions
Imagery by - Limbic Cinema
Music Editor - Simon Birch
Production Assistants - Xahnaa Adlam and Eli Lower

Angels in Bristol was co-created by Vanessa Kisuule, Tom Morris, Julia Head, Young SixSix , Chapter One, Open Door, Miss Simmons’ Year One Class at Stoke Park Primary School, Meadows to Meaders, Reception Year at Headley Park Primary School, Dan Jones and Guy Hughes, Limbic Cinema, RedLeaf AV, Alison Reid, James Newton, Theatre Orchard, Local Learning, Jack Offord and Bristol Old Vic.
Stills from The Creation, Jay and the Whalefish, David and the Big G with Young SixSix.
Stills from The Creation, Jay and the Whalefish, David and the Big G with Young SixSix.